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Teehee's Revenge

Teehee wants to seek revenge on the humans after they perform terrible experiments on Teehee’s baby. Use the baby’s superpowers to escape the space station.

Project Image


Teehee's Revenge is a game made as a Year 3 school project with a team of 10. It was built within eight months in Digipen using our custom engine called "Banana Engine".

Teehee the space ape is trying to rescue its baby and escape the space station after finding out the humans have been doing terrible experiments on the baby. The baby was modified in the lab to have superpowers such as laser eyes but gets very scared when using them. Teehee will need to use the baby’s powers to defeat the enemies, while also keeping the baby calm so it does not run away.

As an engine programmer, I mainly worked on some of the custom game engine features, including audio system, asset management, Entity Component System, event dispatcher with observer pattern, and user interface system. I also worked on gameplay features like turret AI and checkpoint system, as well as the wall poster art seen in game.

Tools Used

Visual Studio
FMOD Library